First games I ever played were on an Amstrad Home Computer, and the one I remember best is Codename MAT, where you trundled around the solar system shooting up enemies that looked like TIE fighters or X-Wings with the occasional boss that looked like a Cylon Base Star. Then Elite came out, which I struggled a little with.
Years later we got a Sega Master System for the kids. Never really got a handle on Sonic the Hedgehog but had great fun with Populous and Lemmings. Then we got a PC and I discovered RTS games - the first one I bought was Civilization II. The Second was Homeworld. Much fun with both.
In later years, my favourites have been Legacy of Kain, Devil May Cry, God of War, Mass Effect, Dragon Age and Kingdoms of Amalur. I steer clear of first person games and the ones that go in for 'tactical, turn-based, combat'. Nowadays, I'm pushing the envelope a bit with Outriders and Elden Ring, while taking on Civ 6, Total War (especially Warhammer), and Banished-style village builders. Also anxiously awaiting Homeworld 3!