Doesn't answer the question.
We don't know if God exists. We have no empirical evidence, only the ideas and claims of numerous people throughout history. Some of these claims contradict each other, some have similar notions, but differ in detail. We have no proof that any of these people were sane, good reason to suspect that some of them were charlatans, and considerable contextual evidence to suggest that many were social and poltiical reformers whose ideas were jumped on and pulled out of shape by opportunists with their own agendas.
Just as we have no proof of Gods existence, nor do we have even the slightest idea of what they want or what their plans are.
Given the vastness of the Universe, and the lifelessness of most of it, it is both illogical and arrogant to assume that we have any real bearing on Gods' plans, purpose or interest. To argue otherwise is to accuse God of incompetence and wastefulness.
"I'll create a whole, vast Universe of incalculable wonders just so a statistically insignifcant number of living beings can look at it all and go "Wow!"" - sounds a bit daft to me!
"I, Mankind, the Self-conscious ape from a backwater planet in a forgotten corner of a small Galaxy, am the sole and deserving object of the love, guidance and attention of the Creator of the Universe!" -not only daft,but arrogant to the point of offensiveness!
Here's the tragedy. Over millions of generations, far too many of the best minds among the human race have been preoccupied with argument, discussion and outright conflict over God and religion. This still happens today.
What is also still happening today, and which should not be, are starving chldren, homeless people, refugees, wars, massacres, climate change, pandemics.
If those brilliant minds had, throughout human history, been focused instead on medicine, agriculture, engineering or even secular politics -ways of governing, ways to prevent war, would we be in that same position now?
Maybe, maybe not. But the waste of so much time and energy on debating the existence, the nature, the requirements of a God or Gods who have never been proven to exist, and who have provenly failed time and time again to help or assist humanity in any real, practical way remains a tragedy.
Which is why I will say again that the question of Gods' existence is irrelevant.
History has proven Gods' irrelevance to us -everything we have achieved has been our own work, not Gods.. From this, it is not unreasonable to suppose that,should God exist, we are irrelevant to them. Even if they created us, they have abandoned us -either that, or our emergence was no part of their intent.
We're on our own, people, we only have each other to depend on, and it's about time we realised that and got our shit together!