Did anyone ever consider that after several centuries of near-endless war; of getting mixed up - invariably to our cost -in squabbles in mainland Europe; of being the Promised Land for hordes of deluded unfortunates who think this country has an infinity of homes, wealth and jobs; of being the glory-hole for everyone Europe doesn't want; of seeing our hard-earned money siphoned off and wasted by corrupt and/or ineffectual Third World 'governments'; of being treated as the 51st State by ever-Imperialist America, and now being a 'safe place' for hundreds of white-feather-waving Afghan 'refugees', that we've had enough?
Maybe we voted for Brexit to get out of all that. To stop being 'influential' and a 'Great Power'. Maybe we decided that our green and pleasant land is enough for us, and that other folks' vicissitudes are theirs to deal with. I look forward to the day the UK leaves NATO, steps down from the Security Council and hands Ulster back to Ireland. We'd also save a not-so-small fortune by letting the Scots and Welsh go their own way.
We're old, we're tired, we're fed up. Leave us alone. Let us dwindle to a rustic folk of dell and cave, slowly to forget and be forgotten.