Dictionary definition of submision: the action of accepting or yielding to a superior force or to the will or authority of another person. (italics mine).
So in the case of marriage, given that Jesus (however many people went into making up this compound character) is long dead, and that God (as you apparently conceive of him) does not exist, you are arguing for a de facto submission of women to men.
No, I do not 'submit' to the use of paper money, I comply with it, as I do with other laws and some customs. But I will not be made by law or authority to commit any action I find morally wrong.
I could exercise no choice in the matter of where I was born or to whom, that argument is fallacious.
People entering into marriage are, or should be, entering into a partnership of equals, in compliance with laws that govern such things. Under the terms of the partnership and the laws, certain obligations must be met if and when the partnership is dissolved. Submission plays no part.
If you base your arguments on Scripture, then you are on shaky ground indeed. Volumes have been written on the unreliabliliy, and in some cases outright fraudulence, of these texts.
If God is perfect, then the creation must also be perfect. But it isn't - far from it. Therefore God is not perfect. But if he isn't perfect, then he isn't God, just another sentient being worthy of respect but not of worship. And having created us with free will, he had no right to insist that we obey him - that right was gone the moment free will was granted.
Whle my children were children, under my care and I responsible for them, I required their compliance with the rules I set for their safety and wellbeing. Now they are adults, they choose their own paths. At no time, even when they were small, did I demand or insist that they think or believe as I do. In fact, I taught them to question, to analyse, to make their own judgements. This is how one raises intelligent beings.
If, for the sake for argument, God did create us, he gave us free will and intelligence in order for us to use them and must therefore be aware that we will follow many paths and seek our own answers. If God required meek, obedient, drones, then that is what he would have created.