Cartoonist J B Handelsman, in one of hs Freaky Fables for Punch magazine, began his version of the Fall by pointing out that "Adam and Eve were naked and unashamed. They were also not very bright. Since they were made in Gods' image, it follows that He wasn't very bright, either."
This appears to be Goffs' God.
Unfortunately, the Biblical God (if we allow the rather preposterous notion that the OT God and the NT God are one and the same), is just as unlikely.
Either He is Q, from ST:NG, an omnipotent, omniscient Pain In The Arse who spends His time judging humans, finding them wanting, and playing cruel tricks on them to teach them a lesson. Or They are so vastly superior to and different from us that They are probably wholly uninterested in us, even if They are aware of us at all.
Either way, that leaves humans needing to seek human solutions to our problems, because God won't help!