Back in the day, there was a tendency to think of Boris Johnson as Trumps' 'mini-me', but the distance between them has grown since. Boris is much smarter than Trump, for one thing. Boris' own near-fatal bout of Covid has made a lot of changes in his attitude - he's no longer so prone to acting the fool or being loud and showy. Yes, he did mishandle the pandemic at first, just like everyone else except Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand. But the hugely successful immunisation programme he set in motion now has 80% of the UK population protected -not so bad considering he fumbled the ball so badly at the start. At least he learns. Boris has also placed PoC in at least two of the Great Offices of State. Admittedly, Priti Patel at the Home Office has been a hard-right Thatcheresque nightmare, but Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak has not been afraid to go against Conservative instincts and doctrine in spending large sums to support both businesses and their employees during the pandemic lockdowns.
As to the other matter, who wouldn't like the idea of free universal health-care and no guns? I'm also pretty sure that the likes of Tom Cruise and Bruce Willis would be more than happy to have that 'Sir' in front of their names, just as I'm sure Bill Gates would love to be Lord Gates of Silicon Valley or some such.
I mean, you'd keep your flag -we'd just plonk 50 stars onto the Union Flag and you could fly them together - and your national anthem, though you'd all need to learn at least the first verse of "God Save the Queen". You'd need to remember to call soccer 'football' and refer to American football as 'slowed down Rugby played by big girls' blouses in armour'.
Oh, and you'd need to learn to spell properly -there is no 'z' (that's 'zed', not 'zee') in 'organise', and one flies in an aeroplane, not an 'airplane'. :)