As always, they are reacting in a simplistic way to a complex problem. The current suffering in Gaza serves an agenda which is neither Israeli nor Palestinian. It is, as another writer pointed out recently:
a contest between modernity and medievalism. Netanyahu and his right-wing bloc are a gift to the rulers of the Arab world. Under them, Israel can be demonised as a tyrannical militarist regime. The Palestinians, as underdogs, will appeal to the 'progressive' elements of the West with the usual keywords of 'oppression', 'genocide' and 'human rights'. Netanyahu and his ilk will say "stand in the ashes of six million murdered Jews and ask the ghosts about oppression, genocide and human rights".
Nobody will ask why the Arab states forced the Palestinians to stay in refugee camps when they could have easily taken them in. Nobody asks why the Arabs regard Israel as such a threat, or why they continually provoke them instead of simply attacking all-out. Nobody wants to see why the Israelis are so keen to conflate criticism of their polices with anti-semitism, even though they are clearly two different things.
There is too much that these youngsters are unaware of, because it is not taught in schools and because their only other source of information, social media, lives in an endless present of 'trending' topics, with no past and little regard for the future.