And again it comes down to the same dichotomy.
Idealism/theism places humanity at the centre of the Universe on the basis of subjective perceptions.
Naturalism/scientism points to humanitys' irrelevance and anomalousness in the Universe on the basis of empirical but incomplete observation.
A plague of both your houses!
Consciousness is not matter, therefore it is energy. Whether it arises from quantum flux in the brain or is a field linked to the brain on a quantum level is anyones' guess.
What is undeniably true, by observation of the rest of the planets and other orbiting bodies within this Solar System, it that the Universe is an immense Lovecraftian darkness without consciousness, purpose or meaning, as alien to us as we are anomalous within it.
That's a scary thought.
So we either resist and use our freak inteligence to make a tiny bit of the Universe more pleasant and comfortable for us. Or we surrender and look to an afterife when everything will actually be organised around us.
Nobody wants to consider the idea that a continuation of consciousness beyond the end of the body is likely to fling us into an even more horrific situation.
The disembodied soul, unable to communicate with others or interact with the Universe due to lack of physical form. All alone in the night.
Not appealing.