Americans really don't understand Europe.
The UKs' decline was 'sealed', as you put it, in 1914 when we got involved in a European war which was none of our concern. It's all been downhill since. In 1914, we were the maritime and trade capital of the world, by 1945, we were the 51st State, by 1989, we were France's piggy-bank and by 2010, we were the dumping ground for migrants who were too dark-skinned for the Germans. We should have pulled out of the G7 and the UN Security Council decades ago.
I've read the Constitution. It is designed to ensure that under no circumstances can the US government do anything excopt protect the interests of business. Unsurprising as those who wrote it were all businessmen. The North and the West Coast may appear democratic but are in fact no less plutocratic than their neighbours.
I didn't mention a specific article, and factual correctness or otherwise is not the issue. It's the attitude I was concerned with.
No reason why men shouldn't support women, as long as it is the women who run the debate, make the arguments and work out the decision.