Alas and alack, I am no longer a serious film person!
Between cinema prices and Annes' physical problems, it's not easy these days to get to the pictures. We did make and effort and see Avatar: The Way of Water. Silly film in many ways, but we expected that, and we only went because Anne always regretted not seeing the first film on the big screen. We went for spectacle and got it, but in the interest of full disclosure, Annes' reaction to the Tulkun hunting was visceral! She was shaking with rage.
But nowadays, all I want is action, FX and comedy (non-romantic). I've reached a stage where watching highly-paid actors bumble about pretending to undergo emotional and family issues that could be resolved with two pennorth of common sense, a fraction of a sense of humour or the exercise of an iota of self-discipline has become a dead bore. It was, I think, Forrest Gump that was the beginning of the end for me!
So, as impressive as your list is, and as admirable as the works that make it up undoubtedly are, I very much doubt I shall be watching any of them!