A god who requires/demands worship is ipso facto unworthy of it.
A God worthy of worship would ipso facto not need or want it.
But of course, the first gods were emblematic of the blind forces of nature, when primitives sought to ensure the cycle of the seasons by imitating them in erotic and blood-soaked mummery. Later gods became the emblems of rulers: "You must serve and pay tribute to me, so that I may serve and pay tribute (sacrifice) to the gods to keep the world going!"
The so-called duality of nature/God is no such thing, except from a human perspective. What affects us badly, we assign to the dark side; what makes us happy, to the light side. Another basic instinct which has been taken up and twisted by people with an agenda.
The Universe is just there. We have no other aim or purpose than to survive in it as best we can. How we choose to go about that is up to us.